Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dusty little bitch, ain't she?

Just went back and looked at a handful of previous blog posts and realized that at least two of them were based shared the following theme: "oh hey, i haven't been blogging for awhile, let's get this thing started, again, and start writing! Yeah! Go Team!".

Yes, the last post on this blog was a good 5 months ago. Yes, a far amount of shit has transpired in both my life and the world since then. Should I recap? Discuss news worthy instances that have happened in that time span? No. Hellll, no.

I do believe it's important, however, to point out that Tom Brady now wears a hat (presumably just the beginning of this wardrobe) displaying his very own logo, the "TB" brand. Is this a man, an individual that NEEDS to capitalize on his cool, his essence, his pure and simple being?

Super Bowl rings, MVP award, Supermodel wife, child on the way, child with a prettier more than talented former girlfriend and an apparent charisma that despite all of these facts ... if he weren't a Patriot, he'd be likable.

Do I need to sport TB gear? No, my money is not the target. Does anyone need to sport TB gear? Those looking to draw a connection to their favorite Pat? Yes, send buckets n' buckets of these to NE, build that brand, continue placing brick after brick in the structure(s) that will stand for the Brady Legacy.

The money is nice, but the official construction of building a name that will last is g-g-g-old.

Get after it, Tom Brady.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

It beats Urlacher's vitaminwater a bit