Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Available Talent: Ronny Roulstif

The talent was far from scarce, but I suppose that’s completely subjective. The talent was available, depending on your individual evaluation of it – what you’re willing to gauge the levels at, what you find acceptable and where that bar of acceptability is placed.

Ronny possessed an ability to code that would and did impress even the most pretentious of peers. Well, maybe not the MOST pretentious, those dicks are so tunneled in their vision that there’s no room to wiggle, establish something that might be grey in their spectrum of black/white. What Ronny did not possess was the ability to not be hopelessly and disgustingly addicted to porn – which earns him the “liability” sticker of risk. Anything in-house was long ago established as a big “no-go” as it’s impossible to keep Ronny and his skills completely utilized to the point that he won’t have time, the opportunity to let his mind take a step into it’s comfortable landscape of smut.

You’d think that an edgy start-up would be a decent candidate to pot his roots. Wrong. Aside from the actual sites that provide Ronny’s sugar, there aren’t any that boast that edge. “Find him a gig actually at one of these sites,” was once suggested. “Thanks, you fuck, I hadn’t thought about that,” was the response. Truth be had, the scale of their programming would be a waste of Ronny’s talents and certainly not command the $$ that we both know he’s capable of. Besides, rumor has it the guys who do Ronny’s job at these places aren’t compensated in salary alone – credits to the site, access to photo shoots, guest passes to the grimy holes they sought.

I’m not ready to lessen the weight of my check to find Ronny a place like that, a place he’d be happy.